This chart from the FTDNA L497 group shows the part of the Haplogroup G2 tree from L43 down to some of the individual clusters. You can see the Hauris at bottom left.
The resolution continues to improve. Until this chart was issued we thought the Schnatterle (Snodderly) family would likely belong to the same branch. This is a pattern we’ve seen many times. It looks like we are in a group with other families, then more advanced testing shows the families belong to different branches of the tree. In fact, even our separation from YSC0000033 and Y11076 is relatively recent.
If you have trouble reading this chart or if you believe this chart is out of date please visit the L497 group at Family Tree DNA. Administrator Rolf Langland creates and posts the current version of this and other charts. The charts are posted in Activity Feed. You must be a member of the project to view them.
Note: I have removed older versions of this chart from this site. I find they clutter the site and cause confusion. If you have a need for an older version, for whatever reason, you should contact the project.